Web Development
Since learning basic HTML & CSS I have expanded my knowledge to include different frameworks and libraries.
My most recent project is this portfolio website that I built from scratch!
Frog Database
April 2022
This project uses SQL to create complex inner-joined database tables that react live to user input. The website lets the user insert new data into the tables, delete specific data, and edit existing data. The data gathered displays in a visually interesting card format that reacts to device size allowing for mobile compatibility.
Skills Gained
- Database and back-end managment
- Full Stack integration from database structure to front-end JS
Skills Used
Data Visualizations
Castlevania Speedrunning - December 2021
A website built from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that showcases data in a visually clear and relevant way using D3.js. The website communicates with phpMyAdmin to pull data for use in the D3.js visualizations. This website can be viewed at: derekpyatt.com/Castlevania-Speedrunning.
Skills Gained
- Creation of data visualizations with mass data inputs
- Understanding of Web-Dev with pure HTML & CSS
Skills Used
Practice Portfolio
April 2022
A group built website that uses HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to display dummy pages that would be of use in a portfolio site. It helped me understand how to create my own website from scratch allowing me to make this current portfolio site.
Skills Gained
- Familiarity with Bootstrap
- Creation of fully responsive Nav-bars